
麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全MD振动筛是一个紧凑的, 适用于各种行业的大容量干式筛分机组. It is capable of screening more tons per hour per square feet of screen surface area and handling larger capacities than conventional screens, 而占用相同或更少的楼层空间.



Woven wire screen meshes of progressively smaller apertures are mounted in the compact vibrating frame at increasingly steeper angles. The apparent opening through which particles fall vertically is smaller than the actual opening because of the angle of the screen deck. 换句话说, the 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 MD振动筛 makes a separation at a given size using a mesh aperture of greater size. This design concept reduces the risk of pegging and blinding, while achieving high capacities.

快速, vertical movement of the material gives the MD振动筛 its large capacity in relation to the machine size. 因为与同等容量的传统屏幕相比,它的尺寸更小, 多余的能量不会被浪费在移动材料上. 相反,当材料从屏幕上落下时,重力起了大部分作用.

取决于模型, the MD振动筛 vibrates using one or two counter-rotating eccentric weighted vibratory motors. The horsepower of the largest motor on the largest MD振动筛 model is only 8.3 hp. 直接安装到框架上, the motor(s) sits and spins within itself; there is nothing to pull or push, 没有异径接头, 没有滑轮和皮带. Motor bearings on the eccentric weighted drive are the only moving parts that require maintenance attention, 通常超过15,000小时的工作时间.

为什么选择菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 MD振动屏?

自1835年成立以来, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Corporation has established and maintained extreme standards regarding engineering, 制造业, 为所有设备菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全线提供客户服务和支持. These standards were continued in 1989 when 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 began engineering and 制造业 this style of screening equipment. We have extensive experience with screening a wide variety of materials and our laboratory is fully equipped to provide screen testing on your material.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 MD振动筛 are available in widths ranging from 19” (48cm) to 78” (198cm) with one to five screen decks depending on the application. The MD振动筛 is capable of handling feed sizes as large as approximately 3” (7cm) and can make size separations down to approximately 60 mesh.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Corporation maintains in-house equipment to conduct laboratory screening tests on materials to help ensure that you have the correctly sized MD振动筛 for your application.

MD振动筛已成功应用于众多行业, 包括铝, 铵, 动物及宠物食品, 灰, 玄武岩, 铝土矿, 水泥, 陶瓷, 粘土, 煤炭, 可口可乐, 白云石, 长石, 肥料, 玻璃, 谷物, 花岗岩, 砾石, 石膏, 铁, lead, 石灰石, 大理石, 药品, 钾肥, 石英, 岩石, 橡胶, 盐, 砂石, 页岩, 硅, 渣, 糖, 木屑颗粒等.



  • 传统的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 MD屏幕
  • 采用两个偏心马达
  • 通常配备五屏甲板
  • Ability to produce as many as six different size fractions or as few as two products
  • 主要是线性振动模式


  • 开发的应用程序,不需要五层筛选
  • 采用单偏心电机
  • 提供一个,两个,三个或四个屏幕甲板
  • Ability to produce as many as five different size fractions or as few as two products


  • 我们最大的多层筛选装置
  • 采用两个偏心马达
  • 通常提供三个,四个或五个屏幕甲板
  • 与DM和SM型号相比,容量可提高50%



是的,我们当然可以帮忙. 我们需要菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全规格来做决定. It may also be possible that laboratory screening tests will need to be conducted in order for us to be able to verify that product specifications can be met.

The cost for laboratory screening tests vary depending on the extent of the material testing. Any costs associated will be discussed/communicated before we ask for a representative sample of material. 

我们的MD振动筛只使用编织丝网介质, 通常是低碳钢和/或不锈钢. 客户是否需要这两种类型以外的其他类型 被认为是.

倒车起动器是一个可选功能,但强烈推荐使用. Because of the excessive movement that is characteristic of the 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 MD振动筛 during shutdown, 尽可能快地停止机器是可取的. The optional reversing starter panel accomplishes this by temporarily reversing the two leads to the motor (MD Screen Model SM) or motors (MD Screen Models DM or DMX). 这个动作被称为插入电机. 当电机插入时, the machine will come to an almost instantaneous stop (typically less than one second). 

而MD振动筛通常被称为干式筛, it can handle certain amounts of moisture if the material’s moisture content falls within a general guideline that we’ve established based on our years of experience. 这个准则是1%的水分每1.0毫米筛孔. 这条规则也有例外,但这些例外并不常见. 通常, 用潮湿的材料纱窗会出现致盲现象, 哪些对筛选性能有不利影响. 

我们有几个功能可以帮助保持屏幕 清除了致盲或固定的物质. 我们有一个气动网张紧系统, 球甲板, 尼龙链, 并提供交叉槽和长槽的屏幕开口.

气动张紧 有几种方法是用来防止筛网致盲的吗, 适用于所有型号的麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全MD振动筛. The pneumatic tensioning system governs the tension of a screen cloth such that it is periodically slackened and then re-tensioned. This slackening enables the screen cloth to rattle, removing sticking or pegged particles. Both the slackening period and the tensioning period can be adjusted at the control panel. 另外, the pneumatic tensioning system is to be tied in with the machine's control logic so that the machine will shut down when the air pressure is insufficient to maintain proper tension on the screen cloth.

我们需要以下信息:材料类型, 材料的堆积密度, 所需的能力, 待筛物料的级配分析, 期望菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸, material temperature at time of screening and material moisture content at time of screening. 我们有一个 问卷调查 这可以在您方便的时候填写并退还给我们.  

MD振动筛 can make multiple product sizes simultaneously as progressively smaller material sizes are separated from deck to deck.

特性 & 好处
  • 紧凑的设计
  • 防尘标准的MD振动筛是完全封闭的
  • 最小的维护
  • Quick screen change – each screen deck on any MD振动筛 is independent of other screen decks and can be changed out in less than 15-20 minutes
  • 筛网使用寿命长——去除的颗粒越大越重, 大屏幕, while finer screens see only smaller particles and only a portion of the incoming feed
  • 低功耗要求
  • 可选组件, including 球甲板; pneumatic tensioning system, an automatic device that relaxes tension on screens that periodically creates a self-cleaning action; and anti-wear liners
  • Reversing starter panel – allows for instantaneous vibration stoppage when power is turned off, reducing wear and tear on any flexible connections and premature fatiguing of the compression springs
  • Minimal vibration – 橡胶 plugs inside the compression springs absorb nearly all vibration forces


我们的客户服务团队随时为您服务. We can ship you parts, send field service technicians to your site and answer any questions you have. 无论你需要什么,我们都会为你服务.